Our team of developers, engineers, tutors and administrators from the University of Toulouse, has specialized expertise (Moodle, H5P, CRM, BBB, web, ENT, Nextcloud, AI, LLM, etc.). We handle the end-to-end design of e-learning platforms and learning hubs.
We can integrate and develop specific applications useful to your learners (video micro-lessons, practical exercises, quizzes, etc.). We are the publishers of the successful application Polymny Studio, which is extremely useful for speeding up the production of your educational content.
We hope our values will align with yours! We're committed to deploying future-proof and sovereign solutions that reflect a sober, high-end, ethical and sustainable digital environment. It is within this framework that our expertise in Artificial Intelligence will support you.
Designing online learning platforms. From your needs all the way to deployment.
Consulting, development, production, integration, auditing, security. Software from Alpha to Oméga.
Create learning systems with simplicity.
Originally designed and prototyped in the IRIT laboratory, the Polymny Studio application was 100% developed by our team. Design, UI/UX, testing, development and maintenance.
The objectives of e-learning are to enhance online courses by facilitating access to educational content, while guaranteeing data security and user confidentiality.
Guaranteeing the security of remote learning and virtual classes is certainly the main challenge facing digital education. Fortunately, open software exists, on which we rely to offer our services. Moodle for course management, Big Blue Button for video-conferences, Nextcloud for sharing, Polymny Studio for video creation.
#elearning #Moodle #bbb #virtualclassroom #nextcloud
Web platform for creating educational video clips
Program for parents of young children with a suspected or diagnosed autism spectrum disorder and the psychologists who support them
Atypical Friendly. Inclusive video player for neuroatypical students. (and neurotypical too!)
An experienced team from the prototype to production. Web, computing, services. Fullstack by design and Open Source specialists.
Right from the design stage, our tools are thought-out for sustainable, secure and confidential use.
#docker #python #rust #frontend #backend #auth
Multi-site (Tetaneutral, OVH), and containerized hosting for Polymny Studio
TelehealthAutism: Scalable cloud hosting and secure S3 data storage
Trained by experts in Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Data organisation and training. Fast and accurate inference.
The use of a frugal AI will be favored, consuming a minimum amount of energy.
#learning #inference #sobriety
Bird detection and recognition on connected feeders in Moulis (Ariège, France)
Green screen video effect without a physical green screen
Engineer and Doctor in Computer Science at the ENSEEIHT engineering school in France. Fullstack developer (Rust, C++, JavaScript, Elm) Including DevOps skills (git, docker, kubernetes, S3)
Engineer from ENSEEIHT specialized in AI and Deep Learning (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Yolo). Dev. Fullstack.
Engineer and Doctor in Computer Science. Manager of the SCIC. 10 years of development experience in onboard computing. Experienced in automated multimedia data processing. System and network administration.
Engineer and Doctor in Computer Science from ENSEEIHT. Teacher and researcher at IRIT / INP-Toulouse. Research and training in deep-learning and UI/UX.
Founded in 2022
Collective Interest Cooperative Society
Young University Company
Based in Toulouse (France)
Our values : sustainability, ethical digital technology.